Mayor Elect Nenshi and the Swearing In Ceremony Monday October 25th
I had this letter shared with me and I'd like to share it with all of you:
Hello friends,
Unlikely things happened this week. More than half of eligible Calgarian voters fulfilled an act so basic to active citizenship. A candidate who best captured a collective yearning for responsive and progressive governance won as mayor. An unspoken consensus was forged - that the city is ripe for change. As a result, there is an air of hope and optimism in Calgary.
Naheed Nenshi will take his oath of office on Monday and take on the challenge of fulfilling many expectations. It will be difficult. I will be wearing purple to show my support for him.
But I will also be wearing purple to show my solidarity with other Calgarians who share the same aspiration for a better Calgary. More importantly, I will be wearing purple because I am making my own silent oath that I will do my part, wherever I can and with whomever I can, to work for a better Calgary. I believe that we need both good governance and strong citizenship to transform this fleeting moment of hope into a movement and force that can achieve the change we want.
Cesar Cala
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